Sunday, April 8, 2012

Jessica Simpson’s dad "she looks heavier due"


Notice that even when Papa Joe is trying to make a larger point about both of his daughters, he always has to bring the conversation around to just Jessica? Yeah. Sometimes I really feel for Ashlee - it must suck for her in that family. Oh, and it was her 25th birthday on Saturday - she had a big party in Vegas. I can’t find any pictures of her dad at Ashlee’s birthday - but he was all over the Operation Smile gala.


Operation Smile has been one of Jessica’s causes for several years - I’m proud of her for sticking with it, even if she’s (maybe) not the most coherent advocate. I think her heart’s in it, though, and the organization does great work. According to its website, “Operation Smile volunteers have treated more than 130,000 children born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities and the organization has a presence in 51 countries. In addition to contributing free medical treatment, Operation Smile trains local medical professionals in its partner countries and leaves behind crucial equipment to lay the groundwork for long-term self-sufficiency.” Good for Jessica!


“She’s always scrutinized by the world and [it's great] to watch her go to other countries and see women talk about what is beautiful there,” he told Us Friday at a gala in Beverly Hills for the international charity Operation Smile. “We were just in Uganda, and a beauty ambassador [there] knew Jessica’s total story about her weight and blah, blah, blah. [She said] to Jessica that it’s about who you are inside, which is the message of our show.”


Asked if he has given his daughter, 29, any advice on how to handle the weight issue, Joe told Us, “I don’t have to tell her anything anymore. She’s wise.”

He said he also brushes off any criticism aimed at Jessica or his other daughter Ashlee.


“The girls are wonderful kids who have so much to offer, and as a father, the greatest frustration in the world is that people are told who they are instead of knowing who they are,” he said. “So the hardest thing for me as a parent is to say that’s not who my child is; you don’t know the girl because she’s the same girl she’s always been. She’s with children in Uganda or children in Japan or Thailand — she has an open heart and loves these people. I think you’ll see that on our show. I think it’s the greatest show that women can experience because it’s all women all around the world talking about beauty and the message is always the same: It starts inside.”


What can viewers expect?

Jessica “becomes a Geisha in Japan,” Joe told Us. “In Uganda, we sat in a fattening hut because, in Uganda … fat is beautiful. So the bigger you are, the more beautiful you are. She was with a girl who had been in a hut preparing for her wedding for two months and 25 days on a 5,000 calorie-a-day diet.”

Next stop: Morocco.

“It’s going to be beautiful,” he said.

Jessica agreed, telling Us, “It’s going to be amazing … we’re leaving the day after tomorrow I think.”



Lindsay Lohan blames her crack shenanigans on clumsiness

Star Magazine has a story, a little "sorry for the tragic life of Lindsay Lohan continued. Although her mother refuses, I am pretty sure that Lindsay know a serious and liabilities not how or when you just have money in. live Like Lindsay? How will you pay the rent and associated costs, how will you pay for everything that claims skirt smoke? Star Magazine, with the benefit of its walls cracked were living out. Take clothing brand has (who won or given) and sells them to shops Auto: How else can one preparation is should be considered as an A-Lister? Lindsay Lohan - the $ 600,000 to live in debt - has been used to sell brand clothes, handbags and jewelry given as gifts to his hard-party (commercial) to follow lifestyle. "Lindsay has their parasites carry boxes full of clothing stores and car, as in Uno Entre Rios decades," said one insider. He ended up getting only 20 percent of the retail value, but he managed to get the threshold of about $ 10,000 per month. That's pretty good, considering Lindsay has not paid all of these things first! "[Star Magazine print edition, May 17, 2010] Yes, and showed all of Lindsay and Dinah Entertainment Tonight last night I saw a couple of minutes, but it was painful. Lindsay was very nervous out there, and Dina ... it is simply a terrible mother. At one point, was kind enough to take care not Lindsay do not call her mother a pair of boots, and was just ... ugh. When I told my mother, and she hit me.

But I have a good mother. Dina is not a good mother. Everything was on Lindsay and some organizations for the cleaning of cabinets Dina (she is a broken hoarder too), met but Lindsay and Dina and (video is here): Lindsay Lohan and her mother Dina Lohan by indissoluble bond, and a gift for Mother's Day, Lindsay's mother is given a makeover wardrobe! But first, the tabloid target things Samantha Harris and rumors about problems with drugs and alcohol. Asked if he has a problem with drugs, alcohol or drugs, Lindsay replied: "No, I do not know.

Job. And when I'm with my friends, I am 23 years old and the permission to be granted. I do not do if I work. "Tackling recent tabloid photos of her fall on the road, Lindsay said:" I am the most annoying person in the world. I fall travel a lot.. I'm going on the walls sometimes. "If I do not in order to be? 'Ask the stars.' I'm fine. I'm happy, I work. And I'm good. And I'm surrounded by good friends now. You know, I eliminated a lot of people in my life. "But everyone," chimes in Denmark. "It's like the normal growth is 23" We have a good relationship, "said Lindsay of her mother." We fought like friends do. Is a very strong woman. I have learned a lot. Not all mothers have to read false stories about her daughter.

It is good to know who is sitting next to me. You know what really happened in my life. "We are very misunderstood," says Dina. "And if I read it, it breaks my heart because this is not true. I cry. I'm crying. ... He has the biggest heart of any on the planet." In the bad press, has Lindsay: "I know eighth not. ... The only problem is that it distracts me from finding a job, and if it hurts. Especially if this is not true. ... Everyone goes through ups and downs. I hide nothing. I am an honest person. Can I take it for what it is. I am me. "Must be [From Entertainment Tonight Yes], the bigger problem for Lindsay - except that to be latent milkaholism -" misunderstood. "And no one understands what is this nonsense:" The problem is that I distract from his work and that's when it hurts. Especially if it is not true. "That is true, it hurts and relax? Ugh. Dina And if you stop with the whole" Everyone is like 23 "bullsh-t?.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sandra Bullock meets with her daughter for lunch every day to prevent paparazzi

Radar Online has information to show the fate of Sandra Bullock that she has managed to hide from the paparazzi, although the star on the question of the moment. Sandra was at the luxurious Beverly Hills, but it is advisable to avoid photographers.

Celebrity Paparazzi called Houdini. "He was known to have been at the hotel earlier this week his, although his current location is unknown. I think it is reasonable to assume that all the paparazzi photos that we saw after the scandal Sandra have been carefully orchestrated. I have great admiration for the way they handled this whole scandal.

Even the ones I saw were probably approved before. I would have liked his condemnation of the conduct of her husband to hear, but don 'are only a part of me that is out for revenge.


It was elegant, yet open to respect and understand why they treated the way they are. It is a smart and tough. Under the radar report: Several sources have said Bullock spent a few days in the hotel to stay mostly out of sight and deliberately avoid the paparazzi are so desperate to be photographed as part of the confessions betray Jesse James "Nightline" on ABC. "It has become the biggest celebrity Houdini", a photographer "You can escape any situation - but it does it without being seen." There were a few photos of the Oscar as the revelation of some James. And their public statements about her husband were good, given what he has done for them.

She filed for divorce in Texas. Beverly Hills Hotel is located in the privacy of its customers exceptional, this is the nightmare of hungry paparazzi snap of Los Angeles. Such protection, with luxury hotels and private bungalows, makes it an excellent choice for a celebrity Bullock.
His movements were so secret that all the paparazzi is certain is that since it was early this week, but quickly lost track of. "She was," said a source "But who knows, could make tomorrow in New Orleans." [Radar] Sandra could live there for the quiet time with your spouse, still living with his father, Jesse James. Star Magazine reports that he had lunch, at the hotel with some 'Sun, May 6 23 His story of how Sandra brought gifts for Sunny is sweet and pulls my heart. dressed Writing "The girls in the same dress in black and white rice in his arms and plays with a sketch Etch A increased during the meal. At some point, Sunny, also the tiara placed on her smile stepmother" to give up Imagine Sandra , a life with a girl she helped to enlarge and get one or two visits with her in the coming months.
Sandra Jesse betrayed not leave to their children to live with the woman who planned to take had to be there for them as they grew up. It should not be considered as Sunny, the fact that there crying at the same age when he was mistreated. Jesse is, however, and when he was hurt when he hurts everyone around him .. with his selfishness .

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