Saturday, August 14, 2010

You have to be mine

One of my favorite seasons is fall, not my favorite but it's high up there. So of course I'm really excited for chilly cloudy nights, where I can wear tights without getting roasted. And go out without freezing myself. Therefore I want to share my must haves of the season!

Madewell $395. See it here...

Don't you love the back? From Gryphon, at $495. See it.. here

I want the whole outfit! From the shoes to the skirt, I want it all. It's from the Michael Kors Ready to Wear Fall Collection. Buy it here =D

And these baby couldn't miss. Louis Vuitton's Fall Collection is to die for. Marc's a genius!

I have to run, so I'll be posting more must haves really soon..

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