Monday, September 13, 2010

GaGa has Raw talent, & she was 'Born This Way'

images via celebritycenter, mtv

Andy Warhol, the infamous pop artist, who turned everyday commodities and products into fine art, is known for his commercialism depicted in his work. Having his share of controversy and fame in his art, the post-modernism movement would not be quite the same without him. Sound familiar?

Lady Gaga, the Mother Monster of all pop culture today, carries Warhol's legacy through her behavaior and style as a pop artist herself. (You can read my tribute to GaGa here ). As for last night's VMA's, she sparked the internet once again, giving the world -or atleast her little Monsters- another reason to love her.
Paying her respect to the late Alexander McQueen, she came dressed head to toe from the designer's final collection. Her unicorn mane-colored hair contrasting against the rich details of the dress demanded attention & marvel. As for her Franc Fernandez meat dress, it is simply the latest of her controversial attires. Was she going for "Best Dressed"? No. Was she sending a message to the world? heck Yes. GaGa explains:

“Well, it is certainly no disrespect to anyone that is vegan or vegetarian. As you know, I am the most judgment-free human being on the earth. However, it has many interpretations. For me this evening, if we don’t stand up for what we believe in and if we don’t fight for our rights pretty soon, we’re going to have as much rights as the meat on our own bones. And, I am not a piece of meat.”

From my interpretation, the touch of diamonds added to her look, was part of the irony. The diamonds had little significance on the look which was dominated by the mass meat on her body. Objects have as much worth as you give them, & are signified by the consumer's demands. I didn't hear one comment on her bling, but headlines on her meat dress are everywhere. This is the very notion where I draw connections between Warhol and GaGa. Whether it's Warhol's Campell's Soup painting, or GaGa's raw meat dress, these insignificant objects were made into fine art, not because of their beauty, but relevance.

Her anticipated album name was also announced to be called, Born This Way. Can't wait !

- Maria

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